Blogs from Kamal Siddiqi
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Decline into chaos
Karachi continues to suffer, with the government looking another way
Worsening crime scene in Karachi
Possibly it is time for a complete overhaul of the policing system in Karachi
Dis-honour killings
Like hundreds of other such cases, the perpetrators of these crimes will almost never be brought to justice
Please protect our wildlife
Pakistan needs to take the illegal trade in wildlife seriously
Turning youth into killers
A writ petition has been submitted in the Lahore High Court (LHC) seeking a ban on PubG.
Lopsided priorities
One cannot blame the youth of Pakistan. They have done the best they could but most of them can barely read or write
Sindh’s most influential prisoner
We have seen time and again how the Sindh government continues to shelter criminals and shield murderers
The deaths in Murree
The other quarter that could have helped but didn’t are the people of Murree
Media and misinformation
Money has to be made, regardless of platform. This remains the biggest challenge for digital enterprises
World’s most polluted city
Increasing urbanisation and industrialisation have played a part in the city’s deteriorating air quality