Treatment and ownership of developmental-behavioural disorders in Pakistan is dismal, both medically and societally.
Children demand a lot of care and attention in the early years of their lives but excess of everything is wrong.
One mother claimed she caught Angela in the ‘act’ when it asked her daughter "what all she can do with her...
Mothers who wish to remain housewives face unjust statements and comparisons with working mothers.
It's a sad state of wedding affairs, the mirth of which is spinning Pakistanis into a whirlpool of blissful ignorance.
With the emergence of new malls and endless restaurants, the city has further livened to keep up with the spiritedness
The fault is commonly found in the mother’s care, which makes it difficult for them to enjoy her child’s progress.
Gazing upon the old trees on the road, I wondered how much they knew; how many stories they'd been part of.