Blogs from Ayesha Nasir
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Islamabad is the safest city in Pakistan? Not today...
11 people were shot dead in Islamabad. The deaths will be mourned and probably forgotten. But the fear is here to stay
Pregnant and tired? Don't induce labour till you read this!
Induced labour causes more pain, increases the risk of a C-section and may cause male babies to be born autistic.
Malala and Abeer: The difference in the narrative told by the West
The West made Malala a hero to suit it's own agenda. She deserved it, but so did Abeer. She was raped by a US soldier.
10 reasons why university students should wear uniforms
Boys spend at least 60 minutes ogling at colleagues in sleeveless and plunging necklines; uniforms would save time!
I am sorry Convent of Jesus and Mary, for I have failed you
My Christian teachers always protected me at CJM yet today my people killed their kin. I have failed to protect them.
Why do you stare when I nurse my child?
Surprisingly enough, when I breastfeed my child, the most stares and questions come from women!