Blogs from Shehzad Ghias
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Calm down, Pakistan – there is no revolution coming!
This is no revolution. There is no such thing as a peaceful revolution. And Pakistan has never seen a revolution.
Ferguson, a window into our own cases of police brutality
They stood up against the injustices they suffered despite tear gassing, baton charging and arrests by the police.
Islam may be trending on the streets of New York
I felt a possessiveness about Islam I have not felt before, any misrepresentation had me jumping at my seat.
Can LUMS still be considered apolitical?
Despite citing the need to remain apolitical, cancelling Umar’s event reeks of right wing politics.
Unity, not uniformity
The couple was clubbed to death and their bodies were thrown in the kiln’s furnace to burn to ashes. She was...
Sexual harassment at LUMS, don't blame the university!
I graduated from this very department a mere 2 years ago. Upon hearing the news, my reaction was not one of disbelief.
Ban the bowlers, ban them all!
Ban them all! “But that would mean we have no bowlers left?” Yes, and that is the genius of the plan.
I see Gullus everywhere...
We are coming out on the streets against the 'Gulu Butts' of Pakistan but there resides a Gullu Butt in all of us.
You don’t have to celebrate homosexuality, but please don’t be a homophobe
Putting up rainbow flags does not spread homosexuality and this is not a global conspiracy to make people gay.
The Taliban must not be painted as violent savages
The rhetoric of painting the Taliban as wajibul qatl or violent savages to support military operation must stop.