Blogs from Shehzad Ghias
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The question remains, why was Yakub Memon hanged?
India and Pakistan should move beyond the Hindu-Muslim differences and see terrorists as terrorists.
Dr Nauman, after last night’s show, I must say, “Game on hai”
Unfortunately, Dr Nauman was apt at ridiculing the suggestions; he spent a long while publicly justifying himself.
Dear PTV Sports, how about teaching some manners to Dr Nauman?
Mushtaq, Miandad and Dr Niaz all have their own agendas and bones to pick with certain former players and the PCB.
It’s not funny to maliciously demean someone, Pakistan! Don’t be Aamir Liaquat!
You can make fun of him for using powder, but to make fun of the way he might say ‘excuse me’ is troubling.
What has Malala done for Pakistan?: 8 popular anti-Malala arguments answered
Our love for our country should not force a young girl to die just to prove that she loves this country too.
My friend from IBA, an extremist?
IBA does not structurally cultivate a culture of extremism in school. However, a student from IBA can be an extremist.
“My medical degree brings all the parents to the yard” – A man's perspective
You can't trust a doctor damad; he would end up going around taking all those temperatures of women who are strangers.
Aao Parhao – A teacher can use all the help they can get
A school teacher is different than a college professor. An expert in the subject may not make the best teacher.
Five things teachers should never say in a classroom
Teachers in Pakistan have found a way of doing things, and when their way is challenged, they are insecure to change.
#IAmSabeen: “This is the time to say Bismillah and march forward”
Today, we mourn, but tomorrow, we will hold the flag you left behind and march on. We will continue your fight.