Blogs from Zafar Zulqurnain Sahi
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India couldn’t beat us in 1965, can’t beat the stronger Pakistan of today either
The days of threats are over, there are no pegs waiting for your generals in Gymkhana or elsewhere in Pakistan.
Was Nawaz Sharif dishonest by virtue of not declaring something he could not know he was supposed to declare?
Has the SC gone too far in applying the criteria set by the words “sadiq” and “ameen”?
JIT and Nawaz Sharif’s fate: Five questions every Pakistani is asking about how it happened and what happens now?
Will the Supreme Court decide the PM’s disqualification, for or against it, without any trial or further proceedings?
How will the Quetta Inquiry Commission Report help us if our officials don’t read it?
If the shortcomings pointed out in the report are ignored, the responsibility for any relapse rests on our shoulders.
Welcome home to a Very Important Person from us mortals
Many wives have lost their Alis and Shahbazs because they did not bear a last name as heavy as ‘Taseer’ or...
This March 23rd, admit that you do not love Pakistan
We do not need a messiah or the perfect political leader to come and teach us how to love each other.
Why are we holding the Pak Army accountable for things the government should be doing?
One controversial figure named Abdul Aziz has emerged as a test case for the state’s conviction in this war.
NA 122 by-elections: A futile power competition serving no real purpose
Any result of this by-election will not be accepted, rendering the entire exercise futile, much like the JC’s report.
Dear Zardari, you weren’t above the law in the 90s nor are you above it today
The Sindh card, the Bhutto card, the political victimisation card or the conspiracy card, are not what they used to be
As a Pakistani, I support Faisal Qureshi
I don’t think Faisal Qureshi was addressing peace-loving Indians, but only the jingoists therein.