Blogs from Raiya Masroor Hashmi
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Was it a djinn or genetics that was responsible for his strange behaviour?
He began living in constant fear and would complain of being terrified of a black man.
From jahaiz to chuchak: The burden of having a daughter in the Subcontinent
In our family the girls’ parents bring everything for the baby this is called chuchak; the baby’s dowry.
Stop public shaming this woman on Facebook - you don’t even know her story!
No disrespect, but is it not better to see the man working with someone than begging on the streets?
Far from reality: Kankar and its depiction of divorced women
Kankar is poles apart from reality. In real life, a divorced woman in our society will find it very hard to remarry.
My adventures on a bus!
Michael Schumacher a seven-time World Champion because a Karachi bus driver never took part in Formula One!
So sorry to hear that you are a woman!
The teacher, whenever a girl did something wrong, would say, “Told you, girls are not meant for engineering!”