Blogs from Muhammad Younas
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The car I bought
He thought the officer was going to be the knight in shining armour who would put this entire ordeal to an end.
Train journey: A story about two 'strangers'
'Which street do you live in?' 'Albany Street' 'Me too! House number?' '56.' 'Me too! But I've never seen...
Love thy neighbour?
“The headmistress has asked me to resign because of the threats to the school." So he decided they had to move...
A visit to the Salvation Army
"Besides worship, we have a child care nursery, a charity shop and a small cafe for low income families here" she...
I remember a Muharram in Quetta when we lived peacefully...
I watched my neighbourhood turn from harmony to hate, from trust to distrust and belief to disbelief.
When we were too poor to afford Blue Band margarine
The backpack was slowing my friend down. I told him to throw it away and run for his life. It had our food in it...
Yorkshire: Where trays are 'chrays' and water is 'wa-er'
My manager demanded I get a 'chray' and because I couldn't understand this absurd request, I was fired.
Balochistan bleeds: A Saturday that shook the province to the core
People are dying! There is a dire need for formal dialogue with the Taliban and separatist groups of Balochistan.
Elections 2013: Will the 'injured' parties refuse the results?
Either Pakistan will go down a democratic path or it will face further political anarchy.
What will elections bring for Hazaras - more death?
Will the elections mitigate the plight of the Hazaras or will they be left to fend for themselves again?