Blogs from Areeba Kamal
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Where does anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic hate speech overlap?
How do you explain Jewish identity to a Muslim from a country with no Jews, where Judaism is synonymous with Zionism?
Be pro-Gaza, not anti-Jew
Repeat after me: “All Jews are not extremists.” “All Jews do not want to eradicate Muslim identity.”
Aarushi Talwar: Turning murder into entertainment?
They accused the murdered 14-year-old of having an affair with domestic help turning her murder case into a soap-opera
Accepting domestic abuse as a part of daily life
They told me that my husband can protect me and give me security. No one ever told me how badly he could hurt me.
Leaving for college but trying to fit 'home' into a suitcase
Will there ever be a day when I don’t feel like a piece of my heart has been cut off as I board my plane again?
Madiha's unfinished ibaadat
In her footpath-bought chaadar and thrice mended kohlapuri slippers she felt rich. Today, she could help some children
Abbottabad Commission Report: An apt summary of why we may be a "failed state"
The world's most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, lived undetected in Pakistan for nine years. Now we know how.
Rimsha Masih: Another victim we failed to protect
While criminals roam free in Pakistan, innocent victims like Rimsha have no choice but to seek asylum abroad.
Nelson Mandela: What one man's vision can accomplish
Mandela's journey is miraculous, yet his message is simple - one courageous individual can rewrite history.
Pakistani with every fiber of my being
I pass on rumours about the ISI. I make a habit of detesting President Zardari and being terrified of the MQM.