Arsenal won the 2014 FA Cup. Also, FYI, Chelsea did not win anything this season!
She liked to play Ludo and watch TV. These activities relieved her, temporarily, from her dreaded crutches.
Are you a 21st century patriot? See what this patriot had to say about Pakistan, the West and terrorism.
Trapped, caged, chained, compressed, numbed, disconnected? I failed to find a suitable word to describe my state.
We suck. It’s not a Zionist agenda that makes us spit pan on hospital walls, we just have no sense of shame anymore.
All I had to do was point a gun at a pedestrian, and then enjoy his face turn pale.
For your sake I will befriend, each criminal on the street, to keep his malice away from you, I’ll offer him a seat.
Recipe: Break one wing of the country, make sure the military is making its rounds in power, kill the civilian leader.
Soon I shall join you and mother in heaven; soon we shall be together like before. I am coming, father. I am coming.
Do we really need this building? Will it not be wise to invest the billions in fields of health and education instead?