Blogs from Mohammad Jibran Nasir
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Why are these members of authority and celebrities silent over the Kashmir issue?
Why do we need to glamourise a tragedy in order for people to pay attention? Have we all become that numb?
The biggest treasure we can give our kids is to teach them about Edhi
He has left us with one duty; to learn from his teachings, to observe his work and to follow in his footsteps.
Are you aware of the plight of the Christians in Chak 44 Mandi Bahauddin?
Please watch the video for details on the Imran Masih case from Mandi Bahauddin.
Why we fail to condemn extra judicial killings?
Today, another man reportedly died in Rangers’ custody in Karachi. His name was Aftab Ahmed.
To Sabeen with Love: A human platform for dreams and aspirations
How does a stranger do so much for another person? In those 15 - 20 days, you did whatever you could do to support me.
Mumtaz Qadri: From Ghazi to Shaheed
MNA Capt Safdar, the son-in-law of the PM of Pakistan fiercely defended Mumtaz Qadri at a mosque in this video.
Dear Bilawal Bhutto, with your protocol, you undermine the value of a common citizen’s life
Do you realise the gravity of your ignorance, or if I may, your arrogance?
Pakistanis pushing boundaries – An ode to my people!
There will remain Pakistanis who will continue to work silently without any glory for a better Pakistan.
Is it terrorism itself or the cities where terror strikes that is more appalling?
How can I tweet #PakistanWithFrance when Pakistan refuses to even stand with itself.
Chitral earthquake relief: Aid may be expensive but lives are priceless
Pakistan exports winterised tents all around the world. Yet we are providing substandard tents to our own people.