He fought for Islam yet forgave his enemy. We kill, maim and burn unarmed people all in the name of the same religion.
We were six women who had made it a mission to embark upon this journey and breathe in the beauty that is Pakistan.
For those who are not its students, Karachi University is like uncharted territory, home to aliens.
In response to the slightest disruption, public transport takes the first hit leaving dependent commuters stranded.
A Sunni friend put up a cover photo that said “Shia Sunni Bhai Bhai”; the gesture may be small but it is significant.
The job market and the rishta market, both are too saturated to allow you the luxury of fulfilling a prior commitment.
It’s a ‘thankless job’. Those in for recognition and appreciation are not meant for this work.
Should a woman, guilty of pre-marital sex be flogged to death but a man, guilty of the same, be spared?