Blogs from Dr Mohammad Ali Rai
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The passport scam is a sorry start to the London Olympics
As a nation, we tend to forget that miracles happen to honest and sincere people, not visa-scamming artful dodgers.
Indo-Pak ties: A case of inflated egos, deflated brains
Siachen, the world’s highest battleground testifies to the sheer stupidity and irrationality on both sides.
Dr Shakil Afridi's verdict: A can of worms
Shakil does not deserve to be called a doctor; he has broken trust and confidentiality – the essence of medicine.
When grown men fight, Mirza,our nation dies
Mirza came to speak at my university, but even before he started, violence broke and grown men resorted to wrestling
Heroin use in Pakistan: Deep and deadly
There is an urgent and critical need for a comprehensive strategy to combat heroin drug use in Pakistan.