Blogs from Omar Chughtai
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Breast cancer: Pakistan's most common cancer
Women only go see a doctor when the pain is too great or the weakness is unbearable. But by that time it is too late.
Well-done Government of Punjab, Dengue is in check!
If we make it through the next 3 weeks without much increase in dengue fever cases, we will have performed a miracle!
The leader in all of us
"My friend, Ali, don't look at this country for what it isn't. Look at it for what it can be."
Dengue patient: Did we need to know the name?
Leaking the news of a person from Lahore being diagnosed with dengue was fine; it was unethical to tell their name.
For my nano
I saw my mother’s prayers answered. My Nano recovered beyond belief and regained her memory.
Your child needs surgery – come back in 2016
For a 15 minute procedure, Rehman was scheduled for surgery some time in 2016 - 4 years from today!
Pakistan's got AIDS patients
A growing number of young adults are engaging in sexual activity before marriage. Don’t believe me?
Let's talk about breast cancer
We need to get over our hangups and actually talk about breast cancer, else women will continue to die daily.
The problem with a Rs90 dengue test
Diagnostic facilities which were already working at full capacity are now faced with a tidal wave of blood samples.
Beware: Dengue strikes again
There is a storm headed our way now. My lab is diagnosing about ten new cases of dengue fever every day.