Blogs from Altafkhan
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TV rhetoric: Shut up and say something
Get rid of all-in-one analyst guy and give people something worth watching. TV is a medium for the people!
Corporate greed, sensationalism and an irresponsible media
There is a long way ahead before we can say we have a democratic, sensitive media.
Empathising with our own: Journalism for the voiceless
Community media needs humanity. State of the art technology is excellent, training is a must, but a good heart is a precondition to good journalism.
Let humanity out of it's cage
Looking for golden rules drives a society into ideas of utopia and utopias are never human. The common good cannot be predefined, because the common man acts most, thinks least.
The media in our backyard
The commercial media's presumptions make them least qualified for the job. The very term community media means it is not someone else's.
Media bias: Upon land almost dry
Mainstream media has a penchant for melodrama. Anchors with urban backgrounds cannot understand the issues or needs of flood survivors. Community media is key in this crisis.
How does it feel to be the problem?
The problem lies in not being able to rise above narrow parochial thinking. Of not being able to get out of the divisive mode of us and them. Of seeing the Pashtun as a problem.