Blogs from Ghausia Rashid
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Should I be afraid of becoming a journalist?
Journalists don’t just hear the gun shots; they dodge bullets. I am terrified but committed to become one!
KLF 2011: The good, bad and ugly
The literature festival was an interesting mix of famous writers, poor punctuality and chatty journalists.
Pakistani teens: Partying with Chuck Bass to spite the Taliban
All of us may not have exciting social lives but American TV has brought a bit of convoluted teen drama to Pakistan
Ten things I hate about being a writer
Despite the dismal prospects, stereotypical perceptions, the excessive obsession with writing, I choose to continue.
A reason to remember 9/11
I cried as I watched the Twin Towers fall, I cry now for the lives we lose on both sides, for the soldiers, for the Muslims dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and within our borders.
Fresh Prince of Pakistan
My heart sank as I read through "The Fresh Prince of Pakistan" - a parody song making the rounds on Facebook mocking my country and my people.
Wedding etiquette 101
Wedding season can be painful, especially when guests have no manners. Have you ever stampeded a buffet table? Or pushed aside an elderly aunt for the last decent chair?