Blogs from Shumaila H

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  • Ask questions, your doctor isn't psychic

    If you're worried about his illegible handwriting or are nervous about surgery, don't hesitate to ask your doctor.

  • Do judge a book by its cover

    With ebooks coming on the scene book covers design have not lost importance. Innovative artwork can subtly convey the style, mood, story and theme of a book

  • Book review: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    The story is set in Hertfordshire, wherein reside the Bennets, a family of five daughters, highly skilled in the ninja arts; their mother, highly anxious to marry them off; and their sardonic and amusing father. Hertfordshire is, like the rest of England, currently overrun with hordes of the Undead, and the classic countryside atmosphere of the novel is punctuated with references to zombie massacres and carnage.