Blogs from Bilal Iqbal
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Malala shooting: The Pakistani media's hidden agenda
We have been focusing on whether Malala will get better and how horrible the incident was, but what now?
Want more controversy? Use the word 'gate'
Like a virus the term has entered the Pakistani media, taking over every major controversy that has cropped up.
Ignoring CNG cylinders
Dozens of lives have been lost to exploding CNG tanks.It is high time these gas leaks are taken seriously.
Illiterate democracy
In a democracy that thrives on fake degrees, it is perhaps little wonder that our political leaders do not think much about the financial woes of the HEC.
Misplaced appreciation
Some of us take the whole notion of protecting the local blossoming film industry too far. Indie filmmakers may be struggling but that does not make them immune to criticism.