Blogs from Salman Shah Jilani
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Remember the ads of yesteryear?
Why is it that we still remember the simple words uttered by Wasim Akram in an anti-smoking ad from years ago?
Armageddon 2012: Will the world succumb to climate change?
Those who want the Earth to survive beyond 2012, and prove the makers of 2012 wrong, please change the way you live.
Why do voters elect the same politicians?
Have you ever wondered "who voted for this guy?". The answer may be more surprising than you think.
Flood tax: Leave us alone, go catch tax evaders
At this time of crisis the burden of the flood crisis should be shared by all. Passing it on to a few who are already taxed to death will only make matters worse.
Our attitude towards corruption
At some stage of our lives we ourselves have indulged in corrupt practices, encouraged them or at the very least, not resisted them.
What is missing this August?
This August seems cursed with devastation, bloodshed and hopelessness from Karachi to Khyber. The summer has been filled with devastation. It is time to unite.
Development in Karachi? Not really
Dubai and New Delhi have realized that building flyovers and underpasses or expanding roads is not the solution to traffic congestion and have reverted to establishing new or refurbishing old public transport systems. Here, in Karachi we take pride in building these corridors one after another which cater to only car owners or the elite.