Blogs from Saqib Omer Saeed
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Tax is not a monster
Tax money funds roads, schools and development. But poor branding has resulted in it coming off as a nightmare.
Floods and the business of responsibility
It is the responsibility of companies to participate in and finance projects that address the long term needs and social welfare of the flood victims.
No wrong time for the right person
some people wait for the ‘ideal conditions’ to initiate endeavors - this is the approach of losers. Success is created and must be worked for regardless of externalities.
To be a leader worth following
If leadership was all about monitoring who is working and firing those who don't, there would not be much leading to do. Leaders need to inspire people to motivate themselves.
Ramazan inflation: what we can do
Many of us with plans for Ramazan and Eid have to sit and think. Can we expect that our government can do something to seriously control inflation?
Why we need special economic zones
The government has to construct and organise zones that offer opportunities for business to young people. Investment friendly zones are vital.
Does Parliament care about fake degrees more than us?
For a week or two different clusters in the parliament have been criticising the media for revealing the issue of fake degrees and the incompetence of parliamentarians. But unfortunately it is also the media that has been debating problems and solutions of national economy more than our honored parliamentarians.
Excuses or entrepreneurship?
Unfortunately we are unable to see the unlikely success stories who made it even in this highly volatile environment like Tasty chaliya, Dil Pasand sweets and Student Biryani.