Blogs from Nadir Eledroos
An overdose of Musharraf-ism
The online support that Musharraf has generated is a sign of the inherent weakness of personality based politics. In reality, he is only worth one seat in parliament.
What we don't know will hurt us
The President recently declared that he felt betrayed. He had been betrayed by “players of the game”. What is going on? What deals have or are being made?
Time for zero tolerance
Grand policies which invoke, “revolutionary zeal” make for good posturing and politics. However, it’s only in the efforts of the individual that true change can be achieved.
Welcoming home Mr Musharraf
I for one eagerly await the former President's return. It’s not only his right - it’s also an opportunity for voters to have an alternative at the ballot box.
The democracy of detachment
While military rule and democracy are framed as opposing extremes, it is perhaps more accurate to recognize them as one and the same - especially for most Pakistanis.
We should be grateful
Our politicians, leaders and people like myself should be thankful that we live in a country where the vast majority of those who suffer in poverty ask so little of us.
Whose flag is it anyway?
In the troubled times that we live in, the adulteration of what is a unifying symbol with slogans and pictures is disappointing to say the least.
I confess, I am a traitor
Why are we hesitant to question or hold those who wield power and influence in the name of the country that we inhabit accountable? Is it because in our chaotic and somewhat dysfunctional state the military represents the only institution to be proud of? Is it because many people have relatives in the military and are hesitant to criticize them?
Passing exams, is that it?
Over the past 20 years curriculum reform has come to a standstill. It has been reduced to debates an whether there should be chapter on Jihad or not, or whether the Chief Ministers message should be inserted into text books. We as a society have not set up educational systems to nurture individual talents and creative curiosity.