Bahrain's Shia-Sunni divide is similar to that in Pakistan; if the regime falls, it will not be good for Pakistan.
Govt officials are buying SUVs and hunting endangered species of animals; can we forgive corruption so easily?
The PPP and the PML-N both have more to lose through confrontation and would rather maintain the status quo.
Taxation should be considered a civic duty rather than a burden - there should be no honour in not paying.
Is it too much to ask that the organisers of these racing events take necessary precautions?
Should we spend billions on importing military hardware or spend a quarter of that amount on education and research?
Why does Pakistan keep bowing to the entertainment needs of the Arabs in an apparently exploitative relationship?
If Pakistanis know that the GHQ wields real power, why don't we scrutinise the military as closely as politicians?
After the F9 park controversy yet another island for the rich is being built on the tax payers buck.
It’s the fault of those “damn illiterate people” who elect the wrong people we hear daily... what hypocrisy.