Stories from Aida Girma
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Bridging the digital divide to empower girls
According to the PDHS in 2017-18 about 18.3% of women aged 20-24 were married before the age of 18
My voice, our equal future
Women in Pakistan need role models projecting positive portrayal of their strength and ability across all disciplines
Continuation of nutrition services amid Covid-19
COVID-19 has aggravated the already precarious situation of malnutrition and food insecurity
Periods don’t stop for pandemics
Covid-19 has brought the world to a standstill; however, the pandemic could not stop nature
CRC@30 — time to revisit commitments to children
While children face new threats to their rights, they also have new opportunities to realise their rights
World Toilet Day
According to the 2018 DHS, diarrhoea is more prevalent among children whose households lack basic sanitation
Ending malnutrition in Pakistan #ZeroHunger
Around two-thirds of households across Pakistan are deprived of a nutritious diet
Time for action
Together, we can create a world where no woman or girl is left behind because of her period. It’s time for action!