Stories from Faisal Ali Raja
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South Asian terrorism challenges — 2025
South Asia faces growing terrorism challenges in 2025, requiring stronger regional cooperation.
A fatal convergence
National movements fueled by socio-economic disparity risk merging with militancy, challenging state control.
Can police's use of force be controlled?
The police must balance force and restraint, upholding public trust while managing law and order amid challenges.
Importance of accountability in intelligence
Accountability in intelligence also depends upon the kind of system of state structure which is in place in a country
Oil smuggling may shore up cooperation among militant groups
A large number of locals, on both side of the Pak-Iran border, are attached with the smuggling networks
The acceptability dilemma
Massive rallies, processions and demonstrations have been observed across the globe in favour of Gazans
TTP’s new strategy
TTP is trying to forge bond between Baloch, Pashtun population, thus pitching them against military, LEAs
How neo networks operate
Neo networks consist set of cascaded connections of variegated individuals having different backgrounds
Gaza bombing: a successful denial or coercion failure?
There is no match between Hamas and IDF when it comes to aerial power