Stories from Asif Mahmood
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Ramazan programme repeats mistakes
Similar to the Benazir Income Support Program, the costly cash transfer initiative risks malpractice under the guise o
Dowry wrapped in welfare
Punjab govt’s plan to fund wedding expenses for low-income girls risks reinforcing dowry culture
Children's futures shattered by 2022 floods
As the climate crisis continues, children are increasingly exposed to illiteracy, child labour and early marriages
Punjab Auqaf stuck in a raw deal
Rs238 million worth of public revenue is lost due to tenants who pay 41.8 per cent less rent for government properties
Culture versus childhood? Female age of consent remains unregulated
Despite laws against child marriages, the legislation and implementation of minimum age laws has been unsatisfactory
Female age of consent still unregulated
Despite laws against child marriages, the legislation and implementation of minimum age laws has been unsatisfactory
Dropping water levels imperil agriculture
42 per cent less rainfall was recorded in the province from September 2024 to January 2025
Working women disenfranchised from childcare
In the absence of day care centres at offices, female employees struggle to balance work obligations with motherly dut
Working women disenfranchised from childcare
Without daycare centers at offices, female employees struggle to balance work responsibilities with motherhood duties
Visitors flee as lion escapes at Lahore's Jallo Park
The wildlife department has announced an official inquiry and is considering filing terrorism charges against him.