Stories from Amna Ejaz Rafi
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Global youth solidarity
World Youth Festival: global platform for youth leaders to discuss democracy, imperialism, and emerging trends
BRI and its flagship project CPEC
CPEC faces opposition from certain regional quarters
Balancing and rebalancing acts
China’s building of seaports in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar is indicative of the former’s trans-regional growth
Ali Geelani: an unparalleled icon of resistance
His political struggle spanned more than 70 years
The 10 years of CPEC
Credit goes to both China and Pakistan that despite terrorism, the CPEC project has continued
CPEC and power dynamics
Anti-CPEC forces need to give up the Cold War mentality and adjust with the trends of regional connectivity
India’s strategic outlook
India is part of region’s naval exercises
Violence is not an answer
Seeing the dynamics of conflict, violence has grown bigger with every coercive action
Grammar of Afghan wars
The situation in Afghanistan is not confined to the country, rather it has ramified the entire region
70 years of Pak-Japan relations
In the evolving political milieu, economic corridors are likely to define the regional course