Stories from Faisal Kutty
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It’s time to take back the reins
We must take back the reins from extremists by getting to know one another.
International human rights: a Western construct?
The United Nations must initiate a project to rethink and reformulate the conception of human rights
Learning from Modi’s mistakes
November 8 will go down in history for two very different reasons in India and the US
Shocked about Trump? Look yourself in the mirror
To me the most hypocritical reaction comes from the Muslim world
Free Speech hypocrisy
A complaint of discrimination and harassment against a Sun columnist was dismissed by a UK press watchdog
Christians in the Middle East: a vanishing community?
History bears witness that Islamic rule included both periods of co-existence and of intolerance
Human rights must not finish last
Years ago on a visit to India, I came face to face with this ugly side
Reconciling Islamic ethics and practices
Ethics may be defined as the set of moral principles that help us distinguish between right and wrong
Persecution of the Rohingya
Decades before Wirathu (described by some as Buddhist Bin Laden) Myanmar had rendered the Rohingya an oppressed group
Fanatics are all the same
Two Turkish women interjected that my wife should be wearing a bikini because this was a swimming pool