Since 1980s, terrorism, political victimisation and ethnic violence have been taking the toll on Pakistanis lives
India, Afghanistan will continue to define the troubling relations between Washington DC and Islamabad
With corruption, irregularities and politicisation rampant, the state continues to lose its credibility to collect tax
Indian army chief may have to wait until his men achieve technological superiority over their rivals across the border
UAE will take lead in investigating murder of its citizens and the probe will be consequential for Pakistan
Dream of doubling country’s cotton crop cannot be realised without restoring growers’ confidence.
Nearly a century after Woodrow Wilson, Barack Hussain Obama follows his suit
Latest missile test means Pakistan now capable of launching nuclear weapons from land, air and sea
Factors such as Trump, long production timeframe and other better aircraft options can act as major deterrents
With new criteria, bloc set to torpedo mandatory signing of non-proliferation, test ban treaties