Stories from Faria Syed
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Who trashed my comment?
While some commenters behave like trolls, others give good feedback.
Online Zeitgeist
A recap of all the major debates and news events that affected Pakistan and The Express Tribune’s online readers.
The taboo against ambition
One of my mentors told me, my career goal should be to replace the person I have the most professional respect for.
The voice of (un)reason
What happens when you put three political leaders on a TV show set and throw in the word 'pithoo'? Nothing good.
Karachi blast: What's security got to do with it?
Anchors ask "Was there a security lapse?" but the question they are really asking is "Who should we blame?"
Here’s to you Sherry!
Why is the PPP punishing Sherry Rehman for believing in the ideals they preach? It's sheer hypocrisy.
Election time in Afghanistan
An Olympian, a pop star and a comedienne - these are just a few of the people who will be running in the Afghan elections this weekend. Perhaps the Taliban could join in.
Saltwater Solutions: Scientist seeks answer to food crisis
Dr Ajmal Khan's research is focused on finding a solution to the food crisis in Pakistan and perhaps the world.
Do-gooder television: What's the real agenda?
A new Pakistani television channel claims to offer 'socially responsible' programming. Can a medium that caters to the masses ever be morally correct?
Cheering for Pakistan
The university students are in Kuala Lumpur to participate in an Asia wide fuel efficiency contest and the patriotism they have displayed here is not of the cliched 'jazba-e-janoon' or 'dil dil pakisan' brand - it is real. There are no jingoistic undercurrents or nationalistic desires to prove that Pakistan is 'better than you' rather there is mature realisation that it is time for us to become a responsible member of the global community.