Stories from Mohammad Ali Babakhel
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Police laws in between repeals and revivals
Effective policing not only requires enforcement but also public engagement and consent
Post-conflict policing
Post-conflict challenges require institutional reforms leading to the restoration of public trust
Discussing the 98 per cent failure in the CSS exams
According to the recent results, only 202 candidates qualified for the written part of the exam
Who is responsible?
The recent brawl between a lady reporter of a TV channel and an FC constable was further amplified by mass media
Is NAP a challenge or an opportunity?
Strengths of the NAP are the consensus among civilian and military top brass, government and opposition
Integration of FATA
Fata is administered through the ministry of SAFRON, Governor K-P, Fata Secretariat and office of chief secretary K-P
Hullabaloo of police reforms
In order to meet public expectations, investment in law enforcement and police reforms is inevitable
K-P Police Ordinance & public safety
The KPPO states that on the basis of “unsatisfactory performance”, a DPO can be removed from his post
Implementation of K-P police ordinance
To utilise the energies of the community, Public Liaison Councils (PLC) are to be constituted under the KPPO
Building community resilience
Mothers can play a key role in instilling tolerance and problem-solving approaches in their children