Stories from Iftikhar Ahmad
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Regulating domestic work
Law in itself can’t protect rights of workers since workers lack awareness and the resources to pursue legal action
State of worker rights
Worker rights cannot be protected and promoted without first creating an enabling environment
No country for working women
Though women constitute 49% of Pakistan’s population, they constitute only 24% of the labour force
GSP+ status: are threats of withdrawal real?
Pakistan is the beneficiary of both the US’s GSP programme and the EU’s GSP+
Breastfeeding and SDGs
More than 150 countries of the world are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week from first to seventh Augus
Child labour: lack of coherent reforms in Pakistan
Unless coherent reforms are initiated, eradication of child labour will remain an elusive dream
Occupational accidents: moving towards safe work
Decent work is, in essence, safe work