Stories from William B Milam
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Moral hazard on steroids
When political leaders of any stripe go beyond the limits set by constitutions and law, they are acting immorally.
Bangladesh — metaphor or allegory?
Almost 45 years after its bloody secession, governing party seems to be heading towards one-party authoritarian system
The tangled web of history
Some historians, politicians make linear connection and assert it was language that drove East & West Pakistan apart.
“The Trees Are Coming Into Leaf…Their Greenness Is A Kind Of Grief”
Dealing with militant groups ad seriatum will not be easy but will be essential if country is ever to be recaptured.
The land of lost content
One wonders whether a reborn, renamed, reformed BJI, might turn into the centre of the opposition.
Is the worst yet to come?
In my view, people of Bangladesh will either suffer under an authoritarian govt, or spend their life over throwing it.
The good ones revolted
Bangladesh, hailed as paragon of political & social modernisation, will join ranks of one-party authoritarian states.
Bangladesh — on the march to authoritarianism?
Clearly, this election does not reflect the will of a population far advanced from those early days.
The Bangladesh Paradox
Bangladesh defies modernisation theory where despite sustained growth it marched back on authoritarian/democracy axis.