Stories from Chris Cork

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  • Meet the Invisibles

    These invisible women, and tens of thousands like them, go about their business quietly and without fuss.

  • Reality check

    It has to be conceded that there is a quickening of the pulse of that most elusive of giants …The Masses.

  • Club night

    The unchallengeable fact that yes, Pakistan has been good to me. And me to it over the years.

  • The Nearly Men

    Flawed — and probably doomed in their different ways — as both are they are doing a very necessary job of work.

  • It’s party time!

    Revolution, Pakistan style, comes pre-packaged, containerised, and is confined to a small area in the national capital

  • A weary state

    The very last thing that our leaders want is a vibrant and energetic people with ideas above their station.

  • One hundred years ago…

    War is with us in abundance. And 2014 is the hundred-year anniversary of the start of World War 1.

  • Unbearable

    The reality of all this horror is censored and unseen by a world that would rather not look.

  • A week of consequences

    The million IDPs, reduced to little more than homeless beggars are there as consequence of failure to impede extremism

  • It’s déjà-vu time. Again.

    The Big Dark, the IDPs and the VBEQ taken together represent a confection of monstrous incompetence.