Stories from Waris Husain
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Law and War
Following some semblance of rules against an unruly enemy proves that the state behaves differently than its enemy.
Is a South Asian Court of Human Rights possible?
Far greater political tensions in South Asia leave regional international court advocates little political capital.
To Kill Pakistan’s Mockingbird
Let us mourn murder of guardian for justice, but let’s not forget what he stood for as an attorney and rights defender
The year of tolerance
To deliver ‘year of tolerance’, SC will need to allow itself more time to focus on addressing minority concerns.
Internet Republic of Pakistan under threat
Govt shouldn't infringe on privacy for internet users via electronic surveillance just to catch a few ‘villains’.
Kuwait’s illogical ban on Pakistanis
An all-out ban on Pakistanis by Kuwait based on the insecurity of their homeland is perplexing.
When $1.5 billion is a drop in the bucket
Pakistan should consider how a change in its Mideast policy could damage its relationship with Iran.
Do as I say
One must always be on guard in realising that nations will no longer tout international law while violating it.
FATA and the FCR
Without granting greater rights to citizens, recognising Fata as a province, there can be little hope for peace.
Free Hossam Meneai!
His continued detention is due to his gall of exercising the right to critique military regime in personal capacity.