Stories from Abdul Wajid Rana
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How reforms can trump technocracy
Islamabad is once again abuzz with rumours about the formation of a government of technocrats
Quota system in Pakistan
The federal cabinet at its last meeting directed the establishment division to review the quota system in Pakistan
Reforming the competitive exam
It took one year to secure government approval and the FPSC has only now notified the revised syllabi
Leadership of the public service commissions
PSC requires dynamic, proactive leadership, with high degree of seniority, knowledge, experience of the system
Governance by committees
Equipping the law enforcement agencies with requisite teeth is a step in the right direction.
Sindh’s faltering governance
As all governance structures crumble, the citizens are losing trust and faith in state institutions.
The failure of Sindh’s criminal justice system
Dealing with the situation in Sindh today requires a package deal including reforms, restructuring and other efforts.