Stories from Khurram Husain
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Wrong pitch, Mr Finance Minister!
In DC they want to hear about our reforms, while in Islamabad they want to hear about aid promises, not vice versa.
Darkness at noon
Despite rigorous internal reporting, power sector does not make any data publicly available to allow accountability.
‘Energy conferences’ and ‘sacred cows’
‘Energy conference’ was little more than a waste of the government’s energy spent in talking about futile efforts.
The riot of power
The so-called ‘power crisis’ is, in fact, a state of affairs growing out of 3 different areas where government failed.
The road to austerity
Countries facing sudden collapse of growth should not retrench their expenditures, rather should grow their way out.
Our booming neighbour
Now a boom is underway to our east, in India. And once again, we need to find a way to tap into this boom.
The IMF casts a light
Pakistan's shut down of Nato supply routes could make costs for Pakistan also very large indeed.
The State Bank blinks
State Bank did not withhold its caveats in the annual report so one is entitled to wonder why they’re doing so now.
To defend the homeland
Thanks to the military’s misguided stewardship, Jinnah’s Pakistan has already been cut into two.
When the Americans leave
With the super poweralliance withering away, Pakistan would be left on its own against a far larger army to its east.