Stories from Madiha Afzal
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Pakistan needs a revolution
Let go of our flawed thinking, and we might be able to find our way out of this mess.
Leaders with a misplaced focus
We are a country with an inability to focus on our most important issues, and everyone is guilty as charged.
On conspiracy theories, education and the state
Pakistani society is tight-knit and the opinions of those one trusts are taken on faith –– never questioned.
On talks and peace
Most effective policy tool that govt can employ right now is to offer a powerful counter-narrative to the Taliban.
A failed curriculum reform
The review committee is reversing the improvements in the revised curriculum.
Mr Khan, take your opposition to the NA
Khan’s methods continue to be those of a politician on the campaign trail, not one serving an election term.
Six months on, no vision
Militancy is essentially war of ideas, narratives; it is naive to think you can ‘buy’ your way out of it via...
On Pakistani anti-Americanism
Strategic operationalisation of anti-US sentiment for political gain brokers internal unity in fractious environments.
The emergency in Pakistan’s schools
Everyday we create new generation of non-thinkers, who can't think logically, evaluate evidence, discern information.
Understanding the world through our (new) textbooks
That there is a full chapter on Pakistan’s place in the world is in itself an improvement.