Stories from Taj Haider
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Let democracy breathe
Everyone is holding election commission responsible. No one is finding out why chief election commissioner failed.
Pot calling the kettle black?
Don't understand why PTI, PML-N, biggest beneficiaries of poll rigging, are pushing country to abyss via...
The census methodology
Constituency-wise population figures that I obtained from NADRA 4 months back put figures accurate to the last digit.
Why the PPP is boycotting the presidential election
Holding of elections when 42 voters were yet to be elected is tantamount to rigging of elections.
Setting the PPP record straight
Empowering PM, parliament & reducing president's powers in 18th Amendment is testimony to PPP commitment to...
Blacked out revisited: I was there
Taj Haider writes to give a first-hand account of the landmark protest against Ziaul Haq’s iron-fisted regime.
On dual nationality and allegiances
I would only say that by all means enjoy your dual nationality. Just leave our elected houses alone.