Stories from Osama Siddique
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A society without meaningful dissent
A 'bhaand' is always preferred to the scholar and the crooner always trumps the thinker.
The custodians of the Supreme Court
An ‘independent’ court ought not to allow talk show circuses, media trials, mob of black coats to influence judgment.
Waiting for justice
10-year aggregate data from all provincial High Courts demonstrate that case backlogs, court delays, are on the rise.
The agents of justice
Almost 28 per cent of 440 respondents expressed ‘dissatisfaction’ or ‘deep dissatisfaction’ over lawyers...
The language of justice
Most people in Pakistan are not educated enough to understand the terms used in courts, let alone interpret law.
… And justice for all
Study: What emerges is a depressing picture of hapless people trapped in a legal quagmire, seeking some redemption.