Stories from Dr Riffat Hassan
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Recovery of Iqbal’s lost legacy
Pakistanis need to recognise that the root of country’s problems is a erosion of Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam's vision.
The reclaiming of Iqbal’s ‘dream’
On Iqbal's death anniversary, one should ask if today’s Pakistan bears any resemblance to his ‘dream’?
Men and women
Despite the association of hur with females, the fact is that the term is plural referring to both males and females.
Iqbal’s message to us
Allama Iqbal’s message which had filled millions of Muslims with revolutionary zeal has been forgotten in Pakistan.
Quranic imperatives on acquisition of knowledge
The Holy Quran puts the highest emphasis on the importance of acquiring knowledge.
Iqbal and women — a deeper view
My article titled “Iqbal’s view of an ideal Muslim woman” has elicited a number of thought-provoking comments.