Stories from Arsla Jawaid
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Lack of clarity
It is a sad state of affairs when 132 children need to be killed for our political leadership to be jolted into action
Courageous souls
Real tragedy is not that Pakistan lost brave heroes but that they died in vain, their deaths unlikely to move govt.
Polio alarm bells
Negative, suspicious public perception arising out of compounding factors has been most harmful to polio campaigns.
Pakistan’s intellectual deficit
Pakistan’s academic curriculum tends to produce students who are unable to think beyond conventional means.
Karachi’s dwindling resilience
Karachi will continue to burn if its economy is shunned and the government unable to introduce security measures.
Business as usual
Pakistanis have copyrighted “resilience” as if it denotes our collective ability to endure injustices.
The Newtown tragedy and selective mourning
Pakistanis must stand united as citizens of the world and show solidarity with those who are hurting, just as we are.
Cowasjee’s wise words
He reminded me that Jinnah had envisioned a secular, modern Muslim state that had all been but lost.
The US elections mean nothing for Pakistan
Pakistan has little to worry about with the upcoming US elections, which will have a modest impact here.
We are not all brave
Let’s not fool ourselves into believing that we are as courageous as Malala but hope that one day, we can get there.