Stories from Raza Rumi
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Counterterrorism: rhetoric vs reality
The police and prosecution services need major improvements if the NAP has to be implemented
A year ago, I was almost killed
Never knew that in my quest for freedom I would face this dilemma: should I risk my life or let anyone else get hurt?
Pakistan fails its Christians — again
Time to acknowledge that Pakistani nationalism needs another anchor, extremists hijacked our religion-based ‘identity’
The need to review our India policy
Since 1947, by making the liberation of Kashmir the lynchpin of Pakistani statehood, we have drifted into a morass
Decisive action needed against militancy
We now have a decisive army chief and this should provide us with the opportunity to review our policies
Pakistan’s future — fraught with perilous possibilities
Until Pakistan's powerful institutions are not checked and made answerable, they will continue to make mistakes
The vicious cycle of hate and violence
The mass-deradicalisation will only begin the day we decide that Pakistan is a nation-state, not an Ummah outpost
A definitive history of Pakistan
Jalal’s latest book is a layered account that aims to undertake a much-needed correction of ‘national’ histories
Countering the terror menace
Public hangings and military courts are akin to prescribing aspirin for a cancer that is consuming Pakistan
Don’t expect a miracle to happen
We have gone too far and for too long. Change requires decades-long struggle to reset the country’s direction