Stories from Tanvir Ahmad Khan
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Spotlight on the Fourth Estate
Given state of affairs in the country, perhaps SC should write media code of conduct, set the bar as high as possible.
Sectarian conflict: the external dimension
In recent cases of conflict in Middle East, we find an attempt to project tussle in sectarian than political terms.
Sectarian schism and state policy
First step in war against extremism and violence is for the Republic of Pakistan to overcome its own ambivalence.
General Kayani in Kakul
General Kayani has rightly said that nothing is more difficult for the army than to battle our own people.
Befriending India
Pakistan should favourably note lessening of Indian rigidity on Mumbai, seek greater conviction with New Delhi.
Putting out the Arakan fires
Best way for Pakistan is to give substance to an OIC initiative on the issue and not play up the religious card.
Bitter harvest
Does the international community want the peace and reconciliation that Afghans and Pakistanis seek?
Drone buzz
The world has “a potent new weapon” and now it needs to adapt it to international law: The Economist.
A silver lining
Pakistan needs a break from the dynamics created by the NRO, can come only from a new election; earlier the better.
Coping with the inevitable
It will be self-delusion to think that Pakistan’s handling of the post-Salala situation has made the task easier.