Stories from Feryal Ali Gauhar
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The colour of the wind: Kaleem Khan’s wonderful world
To view the masterly work of Kaleem Khan is to lose oneself in the immensity of nature
The road to Swat: What hatred destroyed, humanity has tried to rebuild
'Occasions of hatred are certainly never settled by hatred but by freedom from hatred - Buddha.
Salman sees our land pillaged, historic sites looted, public facilities trashed, validate growing sense of alienation.
The Ides of March
Serious questions have arose, since the Vietnam war, concerning the conduct of American soldiers in war zones.
One nation, two roads
Populist & pecuniary gains seem to be the driving force behind so-called development plans launched by governments.
Kitchen Cabinet
Mr Clean will set up an entirely new cabinet with huddling hordes of Reformed Crusaders turned Retro-fit Carpenters.
The fire this time
This is not the place I knew, valley of grapevines, orchards; it's become a land of fear, with suspicion, mistrust.
The monster and the elite
It took the brutal murder of a public figure, flamboyant and defiant, to shake up the elite from its long slumber.
Living amongst the dead
Have we been blind to the reality of the Hari who has always lived on the edge, now living amongst the dead of Makli?
The emperor’s old clothes
Who has courage to tell our PM that money garnered from his cast-off clothes are not what people need.