Stories from Arshad Awan
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Hidden in the clay: clues to Harappa’s diet
A finely crafted jar offers a glimpse into the daily life & craftsmanship of the Indus Valley Civilisation
A game as old as time
The remains of board games at Mohenjo-Daro reveal the vibrant leisure culture of the Indus Valley Civilisation
Unmasking Harappa
Masks artefacts recovered from Harappa hold immense cultural and symbolic value
The Indus inch
In the early 1930s, the discovery of a shattered ruler in Mohenjo-Daro held profound archaeological significance
From Harappan horns to Shiva’s steed
Most enduring symbols of the ancient Indus Valley civilisation is that of the curve-horned and hump-backed Zebu bull
Intricate beauty of Indus Valley's Mother Goddess
Fascinating Mother Goddess raises questions about nature of worship and rituals in Indus Valley Civilisation
The Mohenjo Daro necklace: two halves of a whole
Under the British Raj, one of the most astonishing archaeological finds from Mohenjo Daro was a necklace
Pasupathi: the Shiva of Indus Valley?
A seal belonging to the Harappan civilisation remains the subject of considerable discussion and disagreement
The stone dancer of Harappa
A dancer carved from grey limestone represents one of the most significant finds of Harappan sculpture.
Unravelling the scrolls that may rewrite Buddhist history
Newly discovered scrolls from Gandhara open a window into a crucial phase of Buddhism’s history