Stories from Naeem Sadiq
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The 20th November Walk
Child protection bureaucrats in Pakistan celebrate progress on World Children's Day, real issues remain unaddressed
Firefighting versus child protection systems
Pakistan's child protection system must evolve with mandatory reporting, audits, and comprehensive case management.
Autobiography of a government vehicle
But there are always considerate and resourceful individuals who would provide win-win solution to any complex problem
Must Dhany Bux die every 89 days?
His principal tormentors, the Wapda Chairman, Directors and Chief Engineers must be held accountable
Why sink in our own sewage?
Pakistan dumps 99% raw municipal sewage and industrial effluent into sea and other water bodies
EOBI — a poverty manufacturing machine
Pakistan uses state institutions to deprive 90% of its workforce of their legal right to old-age benefits
The train to hell
Unjust of 11 High Court judges to accept tax-free loan of Rs361 million for building private homes
Preventing 17,435 daily arrivals
Existing 25m children have no schools to go to, 12m of them are engaged in child labour
Our self-designed brutality
Zainab, Maham, Zohra, Uzma, Erum, Tayyaba and now Rizwana attract our attention only after they have already happened
Criminal exploitation of coolies
Pakistan Railway is a hugely overstaffed and underperforming organisation of 72,000 employees