What is happening in Pakistan overall is no different than what happened in those Dracula movies
Pakistan is the 8th most vulnerable and India the 7th most vulnerable country to the ravages of climate change
Worst aspect of this move is that it changes topic from the corruption of the traditional to what the new man has done
Rest assured America will squeeze the blood out of its own people by sanctioning the Russians and banning Russian oil
When innocent people are killed by the invading army, the preferred label is usually militants or combatants
Both terrorism and global warming are the result of selfish and short-term, profit-driven mindset of strong nations
The era of charismatic leaders sounds like a fairytale from a distant past
It takes a real sick person to be able to agree to press the button, which would unleash the hellfire missile
All this is done to manipulate the public opinion just so that she and her father get to keep their stolen wealth
Just like terrorists don’t have a nationality, they don’t have to have the land either