Despite her Instagram clearly indicating the state of her mental health, no one took it as an immediate concern.
The child had an IQ of what we can identify as brilliant. But he never used his uniqueness as a tool to seem superior.
No amount of training can prepare a therapist enough when a rape survivor voices these fears in a patriarchal setup.
He never got himself checked and was sure it could never be him and that the fault lied in the three women he married.
We are creating an illusion for this child, and other kids, that being aggressive is acceptable and superior.
He sympathised with his battered mother but an impulse turned him into what he never wanted to be – his abusive...
Like anyone with poor stamina, bad eating habits and a slow metabolism, I told myself I would not make it to the top.
He lost his life amidst other people like him, on a footpath or under a bridge –homeless, hopeless, loveless, kin-less