Blogs from Naqeeb Hussain
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What does the future hold for PTM?
For some PTM is a stooge of certain clandestine agencies, while others see it as the legitimate voice of the Pasthuns
Why people believe PTM is playing into foreign hands
While some agree with Pashteen’s aggressive stance, majority of Pashtuns disagree with the way the PTM has turned...
Why giving G-B a provincial status is as laudable as it is controversial
While the FATA merger wasn’t a walk in the park, declaring G-B a fifth province is a far more complicated affair.
King of the north: Why K-P made history by re-electing PTI
Never has any party been elected twice in K-P over the course of seven decades in Pakistan’s young history.
Ali Begum: A symbol of grit and perseverance making history in a no woman's land
Tribal women are craving empowerment and inclusion in politics, and no one other than Begum can achieve that end.
Afghanistan can accept the Taliban, but not recognise the Durand Line?
Recognising the Taliban while remaining intransigent on the legitimacy of the Durand line is not lucrative diplomacy
#PashtunLongMarch: How many more Naqeebullahs have to die before we stop marginalising the Pashtun community?
Despite a suo motu by the SC and a subsequent order to find Rao Anwar, how has he managed to vanish into thin air?
70 years of independence for Pakistan while FATA continues to be haunted by its colonial past
For a region marred by terrorism and suffering, the Riwaj Act will put an end to draconian laws of the FCR in FATA.