How is a minor supposed to know her basic rights, or that marital rape, something she considered a norm, is injustice?
The rich Sheikhs coming from Gulf countries marry young girls and sign post-dated divorce papers at the same time.
With strategic marketing and publicising, these babas build an ashram where people leave their brains outside the gate
Just because a Dalit is the head of the state doesn’t mean the Dalit community will forgive and forget the injustices.
If Indians have a problem with 'Taimur', they should even have issues with 'Shah Rukh', who was Timur’s son and heir.
If our clothes and habits cause rape and molestation,what about those swaggering men who wear loose boxers and lungis?
After beating an old, mentally challenged woman for three hours, the mob ripped her clothes off and tonsured her.
Men are haunted by the achievements of successful women; they not only loathe, but also consider women morally wrong.
If the romance between the ruling government and army continues, the Indian army will soon lose all its credibility.
While Uzma has her own version of her stay in Pakistan, the videos circulating of her nikkah prove otherwise.